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Chess program - MiniMAX in QBASIC

' Declaration of Subroutines DECLARE SUB PrintLogo () DECLARE SUB Initialize () DECLARE SUB CommandLoop () DECLARE FUNCTION AlphaBeta% (Alpha%, Beta%, Distance%) DECLARE SUB GenerateMoves (AllMoves%) DECLARE SUB PerformMove (CurrMove%) DECLARE SUB TakeBackMove (CurrMove%) DECLARE SUB CopyMainVariant (CurrMove%) DECLARE FUNCTION AttackingField% (Feld%, Side%) DECLARE FUNCTION AssessPosition% (Alpha%, Beta%, Side%) DECLARE SUB InitAssessment () DECLARE SUB DisplayBoard (BoardOnly%) DECLARE SUB ComputerMove () DECLARE SUB InitGameTree () DECLARE SUB DisplayMove (CurrMove%) DECLARE SUB DisplayMVar () DECLARE SUB PrintMove (CurrMove%) DECLARE SUB PrintPosition () DECLARE SUB PrintBack () DECLARE FUNCTION Fieldnotation$ (Fieldnum%) DECLARE FUNCTION Fieldnumber% (Fieldnote$) DECLARE SUB SavePromotion (from%, too%) DECLARE SUB SaveMove (from%, too%) DECLARE SUB SaveCaptureMove (from%, too%) DECLARE SUB SaveEpMove (from%, too%, ep%) DECLARE SUB FlipBoard () DECL