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علوم و تكنولوجيا

أخبار كرة القدم

Arab Universities' Coverage of Palestine

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Covering Education, Research and Culture

Mauritania’s Ministry of Higher Education and student union leaders have reached an agreement that ends months of student protests over university services and conditions. (Photo via Facebook)

Dear Reader,
At Al-Fanar Media, as part of our focus at on higher education and scientific research in the Arab world, we closely monitor Arab symbols and issues within global academic institutions. 
Despite receiving numerous daily press releases from both regional and international sources, there is a noticeable lack of coverage regarding Palestine and the situation in Gaza. Initially, there was increased attention during the Israeli bombing of Gaza, but this interest has gradually waned over time.
At Al-Fanar Media, we prioritise monitoring the impact of Israel’s war on higher education and scientific research in Palestine, considering it both a professional and moral obligation. 
We observe that Western academic circles often focus on the impact of the conflict on academic freedoms and freedom of expression, which we regularly report on in our bulletins. 
However, we also raise important questions about the extent to which Arab universities and academics dedicate resources to educating youth about the Palestinian cause and the realities of the longest occupation in modern history. 
These inquiries are crucial for maintaining awareness and combating misinformation and propaganda that seek to distort facts and identity.

Until our next newsletter, stay safe.

Best regards,

The Editor
The Latest of Opinion
From Our Resources
This resource, developed by AI-Fanar Media, provides detailed, country-specific information about how the quality of higher-education institutions is regulated and monitored in the Arab world.
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